Flooding and drainage

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Councils, emergency services and the NHS work together to help people prepare for flooding – and to stay safe.

We advise you:

If you or anyone else is in danger as a result of a flood, call 999.

For current flood warnings

About us

We are the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), responsible for the coordination and management of flood risk across the county of Leicestershire. Our duties include investigating major flooding incidents, regulating activities on ordinary watercourses and acting as a statutory consultee for planning.

Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

An update to the 2015 Local Flood Risk Management Strategy was required, and we sought the opinions of residents and businesses as to the proposed changes.

Draft Flood Risk Management and River Basin Management Plans

The county council worked with the Environment Agency to produce draft Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) and River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) for public consultation. View the published responses.
