Just over a week left to shape the future of nature

Consultation on the draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) closes on Friday 28 February

Have Your Say on Making Space for Nature

Time is running out for people to have a say on an ambitious strategy to create more space for nature across Leicestershire, Leicester, and Rutland.

With just over a week to go, residents, farmers, landowners, and community groups still have the chance to influence the draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) before the consultation closes on Friday 28 February.  

Developed by Leicestershire County Council and partners, the LNRS sets out practical actions to conserve and restore habitats, boost biodiversity, and help wildlife thrive. The strategy highlights key priorities, including: 

•    Tackling habitat loss, shrinking species populations, and climate change
•    Identifying priority habitats and species that need urgent support
•    Building a healthier, more connected natural environment
•    Making space for nature while supporting local communities and livelihoods

The consultation survey includes interactive maps to explore projects and provide feedback.

There are also several in-person and online briefing sessions where people can learn more, ask questions, and share their thoughts. 

An in-person event is being held on Tuesday 25 February from 2.30-4pm in the Chamber at the Rutland County Council offices. Two online sessions take place on Tuesday 25 February at 1pm-2pm and 6.30-7.30pm.

More details and registration to both the online and in-person sessions is available on our consultation pages.

We’re grateful to everyone who has already shared their views. If you haven’t yet responded, now is the time. By working together, we can protect our landscapes, help wildlife thrive, and create a more sustainable future.

Leicestershire County Council has been appointed as the ‘responsible authority’ to lead on the development of the strategy, working closely with the other local authorities, key stakeholders in land management, and supporting Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) organisations. 

The other partners helping to oversee the development of the strategy are Leicester City Council, Rutland County Council, the seven Leicestershire district councils, Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, Natural England, and The National Forest Company. 

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