Schools, colleges and academies

A teacher taking a lesson in a classroom

Details of how to find a school or college. Make an application for a place and appeal against a decision.

Find out what to do on National Offer Day. Any late applications submitted for autumn 2025 entry will be processed after National Offer Day. 

A complete list of all schools and colleges in Leicestershire

School admissions: apply for a primary or secondary school place, or a school place during term time in Leicestershire.

Find out how the Council makes plans to meet the demand for school places.

The Inclusion service aims to support all children and young people. We work together with parents, carers and educational establishments to ensure that children can access and be included in good or outstanding educational settings. We also want to help young people to have a successful transition into adult life, through employment, training or education.

Information to support parents, carers, and young people who want to know more about the help and care available for young people during their adolescent years.

Information for parents and carers about our award winning school food service, including allergen information, requesting a medical diet, genetically modified foods and Free School Meals.

School terms and holidays for Leicestershire County Council schools

After school and breakfast clubs offer childcare for school-age children and young people before and after the school day. They’re sometimes called ‘out-of-school care’ or ‘kids clubs’. They may be run privately or by schools.

What to do if you want to complain about a school.

Information about the Education Effectiveness Team (EET) and how they can support your child to have the best start in life they can.

You can teach your child at home full-time or part-time. This is also known as elective home education or home schooling.

If you have been issued with a Penalty Notice from the Pupil Services Court Team at Leicestershire County Council, you can now pay this online.

Information and help for schools, governors and staff.

Information for staff that work with children with special education needs, their families, early years providers and schools.

School attendance responsibilities and advice about non-school attendance.


Three school pupils chatting

98% gain one of their top five school preferences

The event united community leaders, students and environmental advocates

Apply now for autumn 2025 primary school places