Majority of young people secure Leicestershire secondary school place

98% gain one of their top five school preferences

Three school pupils chatting

Secondary school places in Leicestershire have been revealed, with 98 per cent of young people securing one of their top five preferences.

Figures released today (Monday 3 March – National School Place Offer Day) show that just over 8,100 students have been offered one of their preferred schools.

Nearly 91 per cent secured their first preference, while nearly six per cent secured their second preference, and just over one per cent secured their third preference.

This year saw 8,260 applications received for the autumn 2025 intake - an increase of 620 students on last year.

Councillor Deborah Taylor, acting leader and cabinet member for children and families, said: “We’re extremely pleased that once again nine out of ten Leicestershire children have secured their first choice of secondary school.

“We’ve also seen an increase in the number of people going to one of their choices, which is great to see.

“We recognise that not every student has secured their preferred school, and instead have automatically been agreed a place at the next available school.

"My message to any parent in need of advice is get in touch with us and contact the School Admissions Service to discuss the options available, which includes an appeal.”

To find out more or contact the service, visit our admissions page.

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98% gain one of their top five school preferences

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