Buses and public transport

a park and ride bus

Find out how to use public transport to travel around Leicestershire and if you're eligible for concessionary travel.

Information, guidelines and small vehicle tenders

The ‘Enhanced Partnership’ (EP) is a partnership between us and Leicestershire bus operators, supporting improvement of bus travel through the delivery of the Leicestershire Bus Service Improvement Plan

The Leicestershire Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) sets out our ambitions to deliver the Government National Bus Strategy, which the council fully supports.

Passenger transport is changing in Leicestershire and, at the same time as the county council is facing significant challenges, we are also trying to offer a better service for residents.

Concessionary travel is available for disabled people to travel for free or at a reduced rate on local bus services in Leicester, Leicestershire and throughout England.

You can apply for an older person's bus pass for free travel on the bus anywhere in England during off-peak times.

If your concessionary bus pass gets lost, stolen or damaged you can request a replacement.

Leicestershire has an extensive network of public transport services to help you get to where you need to be.

You can use the park and ride to get to work or for a shopping trip into Leicester city.

There are Community Transport projects for each of the seven districts in Leicestershire, which provide accessible public transport services.

eAuctions, latest tenders and results, contract conditions, framework agreement contract, early invoice payment discount scheme


Bus interior

Free travel on offer from Monday 17 March

Service upgrades to begin on 17 March

A chance for residents to have their say