Find Park and Ride bus services in Leicestershire

You can use the park and ride to get to work or for a shopping trip into Leicester city. Enjoy a stress free journey and free WiFi.

The Park and Ride bus services provided by Leicestershire County Council and Leicester City Council operate from three sites:

  • Birstall (A6)
  • Enderby (B4114)
  • Meynell’s Gorse (A47 Leicester Forest East)

Visit the Leicester Park and Ride website for more information:

Timetables, fares, locations

You can use our online form to report any concerns about public transport to our Transport Team. We prioritise cases based on urgency – the most urgent are normally responded to within 1 working day. However, for the majority our response time is 7 to 14 days.


Electric buses were introduced for the Park and Ride services in 2021. This significant change is part of the wider Greenline Electric Bus Project, aimed at:

  • improving air pollution
  • relieving congestion
  • improving accessibility on key bus routes