Series of events to mark Great Big Green Week

The year's focus is on the small changes people can make that make a difference

Great Big Green Week logo

Leicestershire residents are being encouraged to take part in Great Big Green Week and find out more about how they can make the county greener.

The nationwide campaign, from 8 to 16 June, features a series of events and this year focuses on small changes people can make that make a difference.

A number of community-led events and activities are taking place during the week. They include:

  • Saturday 8 June – Market Harborough Carnival, where there will be stalls from the council’s Waste Initiatives, Carbon Reduction and Nature teams
  • Tuesday 11 June - Leicestershire County Council Master Composter Rod Weston will be giving a talk on getting started with composting in the courtyard at More Coffee Co, Market Place, Melton at 2.30pm
  • Tuesday 11 June - A talk on recycling is being held at 7pm at Lea & Co café, 27 Burton Street, Melton. The talk will look at the importance of reducing our waste and why we recycle, what we can recycle from home and how to present the items, what happens to our recycling when it leaves our homes, the issues caused by putting the wrong items in the recycling and where to go for further information
  • Friday 14 June – the Waste Initiatives team will be at the Melton Community Fridge, Unit 7, The Old Diary, North Street on Friday 14 June from 12.30-2.30pm
  • Saturday 15 June – Greening at the Country Park event at the Melton Country Park Café, where the Waste Initiatives team will be on hand from 10am-3pm

Great Big Green Week is an excellent way for residents to get involved and learn how they can make planet-friendly changes to create a cleaner, greener Leicestershire.

Everyone can make a swap – whether that be walking instead of taking the car, or recycling instead of throwing away – and those individual actions can collectively make a big difference to our environment, now and for the future.

I would encourage those who are able to go along to one of the Great Big Green Week events and find out how they can do their bit to help tackle climate change and support nature.

Ann Carruthers, director of environment and transport

All of this year’s events can be found on the Great Big Green Week website.

Residents can sign up to the quarterly Environment Matters newsletter for the latest waste and environment news.

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