Care leaver shares supported lodgings experience

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Care leaver Jonathan

A care leaver who benefitted from a Supported Lodgings scheme is sharing his story to encourage people to consider supporting teenagers into independent adulthood.

Jonathan, now 21, moved in with two Leicestershire residents at the age of 16.

Supported Lodgings Hosts offer a supportive, safe and welcoming home for care leavers to help them become more independent and learn the everyday skills they need for adult life.

Reflecting on his time within the scheme, Jonathan said: “My Supported Lodgings placement had a massive impact on my life. From one minute not being interested in anything, to then getting my education done, building up healthy relationships, getting my driving license and buying my own car – it was huge.”

Inspired by his time in the care system, and with the support of his hosts, Jonathan is now a Detached Youth Worker in Leicestershire: “Education initially wasn’t a priority for me as a teen.

“However, my hosts supported me through every step, and helped shape who I am and what I do today. I now know what I am passionate about because I was given the opportunity to discover and pursue it.”

“We’re all still in touch. I go around to their house for Christmas and family birthdays, and we talk on the phone every day. They said, ‘you’re a part of this family, even when you leave’.”

Supported Lodgings Hosts receive up to £16,000 per year tax free and can be working full time. On ideal candidates, Jonathan added: “Anyone who wants to be an effective Supported Lodgings Host needs to have empathy and patience. A lot of the young people that are in the scheme will have some sort of trauma, but if you can offer a loving, nurturing, consistent environment, then 100% go for it.”

Councillor Deborah Taylor, Leicestershire County Council cabinet member for children and families, said: “Jonathan is such an inspirational young man that personifies everything that is good about fostering and caring placements.

“His progress and achievements, helped along with the support and guidance of his Supported Lodgings Hosts, are commendable. The Supported Lodgings scheme has been life-changing for Jonathan, and we’re keen to offer the same opportunity to as many other young people as possible.

Anyone who has a spare room and thinks they have the skills to make a real difference, please come along to one of our events, or contact our team for more information.”

Those wanting to find out more about Supported Lodgings with Leicestershire County Council can visit the fostering in Leicestershire website. Alternatively, they can email the Fostering Team at, or call them on 0116 305 0505.

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