New Leicestershire Matters - out now

The spring edition of our residents' newsletter is dropping through letterboxes

Paper copies of Leicestershire Matters spring issue laid out on top of a table

Our residents' newsletter, Leicestershire Matters, features our latest news and is out now.

The 2025 spring edition gives you a detailed look at One Council for Leicestershire - showing you the simple, sensible and money saving proposals and what it would mean to you. There's also a chance to have your say.

Also inside the 16-page newsletter: 

  • Be flood ready - information about flooding and how you can make your own flood plan
  • County open for business - how we're helping the local economy and creating space for businesses
  • Buses on the road - how our bookable buses are rolling out in Leicestershire
  • Spring events - Events taking place across the county as the sun begins to shine
  • Health research underway - government money to support health of county
  • Tiny forests - grant helps our quest to 700,000 trees - and the environment
  • Money for unpaid carers - Info about cash that's available for people who need a carer for support
  • Primary offer day - your guide as primary school places are allocated in April
  • Trading Standards - how and why registration is important for certain businesses
    Opens new wind

Read the spring edition: 

Leicestershire Matters is delivered to homes from Monday 03 March.

We work closely with a delivery company to monitor delivery rates but please let us know if you become aware of any issues by contacting our Communications Team:

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Leicestershire Matters

Impressive 94% Visit England score for Melton Carnegie

What could volunteering do for you?

Free travel on offer from Monday 17 March

Council-owned farmland up from 7,211 to 7,359 acres

Our ‘friendly and inclusive environment’ gains 'good' rating

Taking place at County Hall on 8 April