Environment Agency approves funding for Stoney Stanton flood scheme

£895,000 available

Flood sign

Leicestershire County Council’s flooding team has secured up to £895,000 for the Stoney Stanton Flood Alleviation Scheme, which has been accepted onto the National Flood Risk Management Programme. 

The funding will go towards redirecting a small stream, creating flood storage areas, replacing outdated trash screens, installing a sustainable drainage system at the Manorfield CofE Primary School, minor highway works and provision of a water level gauge. 

Money for the scheme comes from the National Flood Grant in Aid, Local Levy and a Department for Education flood support scheme. 

Councillor Ozzy O'Shea, cabinet member for flooding, said: “We are pleased that this important and much-needed scheme has been given the go-ahead and now we will continue to drive forward the plans and work with the Environment Agency, partners and crucially local residents to deliver.” 

In recent years, the County Council and the Environment Agency have also successfully secured funding for several other flood alleviation schemes, including in Long Whatton, Diseworth and Breedon on the Hill, which are all in progress. 

“We’re extremely proud of the approval for all the projects within Leicestershire County Council’s Flood Risk Management Programme,” Councillor Ozzy O’shea continued: “While the process of securing grants and delivering these projects can be challenging, we know the positive impact they have on our communities.” 

These ongoing projects have already contributed to reducing flood risks, including measures in Breedon on the Hill that helped protect the community during the January flooding. 

With the approval in place, the Stoney Stanton Flood Alleviation Scheme will now move into its detailed design and construction phase which will be led by the county council.  

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