Wellbeing at the heart of volunteering experiences

What could volunteering do for you?

Judy Burrage

Volunteers across Leicestershire have been highlighting how their wellbeing has improved thanks to volunteering in the local community.

As many look for ways to combat social isolation or loneliness, particularly in later life, several Leicestershire County Council volunteers have spoken about the many positive aspects of being a volunteer.

There are around 1200 volunteers right across the county, working in everything from heritage sites and country parks to panels supervising schools appeals and the work of the Adults and Communities department.

Judy Burrage, who has been an Environment Action Volunteer in Leicestershire for over a decade, is one of several to sing the praises of volunteering for her wellbeing.

“I find it really helps me to feel useful and contribute things to the community.

“It allows me to keep learning new skills whilst at the same time using ones developed over years of work in various organisations, and again, this gives me a real sense of being a useful and valued member of the local community, even as I am getting older, and slowing down in some areas of my life.”

David and Denise Herd, who both volunteer as an Independent Visitor to a young person in care, describe a similar experience.

“He [young person in care] is a joy to be with and always wants us to play, getting us to climb trees and play hide and seek in country parks. He has made us feel young again, even though we might ache the next day!

“We can honestly say that we feel joyful after each visit and are really fortunate to have met him. We are sure that there are so many benefits for our young person, but, equally, there are so many for us.”

Since taking early retirement, David Robbins has been involved in several volunteering roles and has never looked back.

“It has definitely added a lot to my life and allowed me to get involved with lots of different projects after retiring. It is the perfect combination of both learning new skills and using those you have developed in your working life. I’m really grateful for the opportunities it has given me and would encourage anyone to get involved.”

Christine Radford, lead member for adults and communities, said: “Planning for later life takes many forms, and volunteering offers a wealth of benefits to individuals. It’s extremely heartwarming to hear the positive impact it’s having on people's lives.

“With such a wide range of volunteering programmes, residents can get stuck into anything from the home library service to country parks.”

For more information on volunteering opportunities in Leicestershire, visit our volunteering page. 

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