Home support spotlight at fostering information event

More people are being encouraged to consider fostering

Teenage boy and woman looking at a book

Residents interested in all types of fostering are invited to learn more at an upcoming virtual information event. 

With more than 700 children and young people currently living in care across Leicestershire, more people are being encouraged to consider fostering, no matter what their professional background or skills.

The session will be held online on Tuesday 18 February between 6:30pm – 8:30pm, and promises to be an informal and low pressure evening. Discussions will focus on different ways to foster, support and training, and the application process.

A special feature at the event will be on Supported Lodgings. This type of support is to help 16-21 year olds by giving them a room in your home along with a stable, welcoming environment. 

Anyone interested in this type of support can speak with the Supported Lodgings team manager, who will be joining the event.

Attendees can also expect to hear from a current Supported Lodgings host. Karen, who has been an approved carer for just under a year, will be sharing her experiences of supporting a teenager into adulthood, and can answer any questions about the application process and her experience so far.

Our virtual fostering information events are a great choice for anyone interested in learning more about how fostering can fit into their lives, all from the comfort of their own home.

The Supported Lodgings scheme is so brilliant at offering our young people the opportunity to develop and flourish in a supportive environment, and I would encourage anyone looking to have a big impact on a teenager’s life to come along and find out more.

People are encouraged to book their place by completing the Join a Fostering Event form.

For more information about fostering, email fostering@leics.gov.uk, or call 0116 305 0505.

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