Land acquisition

Compulsory Purchase Order and Side Roads Order process

Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)

The Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) is the process that enables the authority to acquire the land and rights necessary for the construction and maintenance of the new highway, including associated landscaping, drainage features and other infrastructure.

Non-sealed CPO plans
Sealed CPO orders, plans and relevant notices

Side Roads Order (SRO)

The Side Roads Order (SRO) is the process that enables the authority to: 

  • improve, raise, lower or alter the highway; i.e. amend an unclassified road to bridleway or raise the classification of a road
  • stop up highways and private means of access to premises; i.e. remove the rights to use
  • provide private means of access; i.e. grant new rights to access premises
Non-sealed SRO plans
Sealed SRO orders, plans and relevant documents

Seal for North and East Melton Mowbray Distributor Road

Schedule notes

Plan folio

Side Roads Order masterplan

Side Roads Order plans


Further supporting documents

General Arrangement plans

CPO guidance booklets issued by Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

The Compulsory Purchase (Inquiries Procedure) Rules 2007

North and East MMDR supporting documents