Highway record enquiry

A highway record enquiry, also known as a highway search, is a request for information about existing and proposed highways maintainable at public expense by Leicestershire County Council.

Purpose of a highway record enquiry

You can request a highway record enquiry to find out more information about proposed schemes and legal matters affecting the highways in and around a specified search area.

If you are looking for the adoption status of any named roads or paths in Leicestershire, please use our free Highway Adoption Status Search

Please read this additional information to understand what a highway record enquiry will and will not include. 

Response to a highway enquiry

A standard response to your highway record enquiry will include a plan showing:

  • the general boundaries of publicly maintainable (adopted) highways for streets included on the statutory List of Streets
  • the general boundaries of prospectively maintainable (future) highways where the proposed layout has been approved
  • details of any section 38/278 legal agreements relating to the above 
  • the approximate routes of any Public Rights of Way which are recorded on the Definitive Map
  • other features of particular importance for which specific enquiries have been made
Other information included (when requested)

You can request the following information when making a highway record enquiry for an additional fee:

  • Road, traffic scheme and traffic management proposals 
  • Highway safeguarding (building and improvement) lines 
  • Existing traffic regulation orders 
  • Statutory declarations made under Section 31(6) of the Highways Act 1980 and Section 15A(1) of the Commons Act 2006. 
  • Notices served under the Highways Act 1980 
  • Licences granted under the Highways Act 1980 / New Roads and Street Works Act 1991
Information not provided in a highway record enquiry response
  • Copies of legal agreements - agreements under Section 38 and Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 can be requested by emailing our Legal Services department
  • Land ownership - in most cases, the County Council does not own the legal title to highway land. If you are trying to find out if the Council maintains an area of land, please submit a highway record enquiry
    • All general land ownership enquiries should be directed to  HM Land Registry
  • Local land charges and CON29 searches:
    • contact the relevant district or borough council regarding CON29 enquiries 
    • visit HM Land Registry for the online local land charges register - the online local land charges register is currently only available for Blaby, Harborough and North West Leicestershire districts. For other parts of Leicestershire please contact the relevant district or borough council. 
  • Planning applications - Information regarding specific planning applications should be directed to either the local planning authority (relevant district or borough council), our Highway Development Management team for highway related matters or the County Planning team for mineral / waste developments.
  • Road maintenance and parking issues - If your enquiry is regarding maintenance such as potholes in roads or footpaths, you can report a road problem. For any other issues, please complete our Customer Service online contact form
  • Roadworks, temporary road closures, temporary traffic regulation orders 

Please visit the One.Network website for further information. 

Limitations to our response

OS MasterMap Topography

All features are digitised and illustrated using the OS MasterMap Topography Layer under a similar policy to the Land Registry's 'general boundaries' principle.

Drawing on customer-supplied plans

We are unable to fulfil requests to draw the highway boundary on plans sent to us. This is to avoid possible misinterpretation due to differences in scale and/or the underlying base map.

Scale and paper size

Our highway extent plans are produced as PDF documents based on standard paper sizes ranging from A4 to A0 at an approximate scale between 1:1250 and 1:2500. We no longer publish plans at a particular scale as Ordnance Survey MasterMap displays indicate locations of features only, which is not suitable for scaling or measuring from.


We return our responses to you by email unless a postal reply is specifically requested. Our representation of the highway extent (and any other relevant information) is displayed on top of Ordnance Survey's MasterMap product. The plan is provided in a high-quality (vector) PDF format, meaning that the quality is retained regardless of the zoom level you are using. A sample of a typical plan is shown below:


Every enquiry that we receive is researched to a level where we are providing you with a plan that is correct according to our best available information at that time. If on receipt of our response you believe there is an inaccuracy with our plan and you can provide us with evidence contrary to what is shown, please let us know and we will be happy to investigate further.

Plans provided often show a wide area, often spanning further than what is relevant to your enquiry. We only have the resource to be able to research the area that is of relevance to a specific enquiry. Therefore, please do not use the same plan for more than one enquiry as we can not guarantee that all areas shown have been researched to a satisfactory level.

To make a highway record enquiry, please request a quote as fees are dependent on the information you require.