Online map will help to protect county’s trees

The map details every Tree Preservation Order (TPO) managed by Leicestershire County Council

Group of trees

A new searchable website-based map which allows people in Leicestershire to play their part in protecting some of the county’s most valuable trees has been launched.

The map details every Tree Preservation Order (TPO) managed by Leicestershire County Council and shows if an individual tree, group of trees or even entire woodlands, are covered by one of the orders.

Members of the public can check whether trees are covered by a TPO before carrying out any works to trees, or starting any building works which may affect trees covered by a TPO. Breaching a TPO by carrying out unauthorised works can lead to a fine of up to £20,000.

The map can also be used to check if trees being worked on by third parties are subject to a TPO, so any breaches can be reported.

The interactive map only lists the TPOs issued by Leicestershire County Council, but provides links to each of the county’s seven district and borough councils so members of the public can also check on TPOs issued by those authorities.

We are committed to playing our part in making Leicestershire a greener and healthier place, including plans to help plant 700,000 trees in the county – one for each person.
We want to make sure that some of the county’s most important trees are protected, and this website allows people to play their part in safeguarding these valuable trees.

The searchable map, as well as detailed information on TPOs, how to apply for permission to carry out works to a tree covered by a TPO and details of how to contact the TPO team for further advice, can be found on our trees pages.

There are 265 TPOs issued by Leicestershire County Council in force. These include individual trees, groups of trees, area orders and entire woodlands.

Most of the trees covered by the TPOs are on private land, including gardens and farms.

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