Met Office warning prompts ‘be prepared’ message to county residents

Cold weather on its way

Cllr Trevor Pendleton in hi-vis and helmet in front of a gritting lorry and a big pile of gritting salt

The county council says people across Leicestershire should be prepared for more wintry weather next week.

Forecasts initially indicated significant snowfalls arriving in parts of the county tomorrow, but a yellow warning of ice and snow has now been issued by the Met Office for between Monday morning and Wednesday night.

There may be sleet and snow showers tomorrow, so the county council’s gritting team will be out tonight treating priority routes

Gritting teams were out consistently last weekend in the wake of heavy snow.


Our highways teams are constantly monitoring the weather and are ready to respond at a moment’s notice. Our gritting team have been exceptionally busy over the past few weeks gritting key routes and road networks, helping people continue their essential journeys.


This year, the council’s grit barns are stocked up with 18,000 tonnes of rock salt, ready to tackle the worst of the winter weather. Community snow wardens also do their bit by gritting paths – and local farmers help out by fitting snow ploughs to their tractors and helping the council to clear roads where necessary.

The county council does not grit every road, check if your journey is gritted on their map.

Gritting Map  

The county council is also continuing to respond to reports of flooding across the county. Currently 18 roads remain closed and teams are working around the clock to ensure the roads re-open over the weekend.


Since 14 January, we’ve responded to over 200 call outs relating to flooding and we’ve had up to six teams a day on the ground working on flood patrol and helping make deliveries of sandbags.

It has been a huge group effort and I want to say thank you to every person who has helped.


Residents are urged to be prepared for flooding, even if they don’t think they are at risk, by signing up for flood warnings, preparing their home, and checking their route before they make an essential journey and to drive safely by never driving through flood waters.

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