How to stay well this summer

Health tips for the hot weather

Image of children's shoes

Simple advice can help you to stay safe and well during the hot weather.

As Leicestershire records its highest temperatures of the year, the county council is highlighting the latest advice from Public Health England.


Much of this advice is common sense and for most people, there’s nothing to worry about. But it would be great if people could keep an eye on those who are at risk, such as older people and those with underlying health conditions.”


Tips include:

  • look out for others, especially older people, young children and babies and those with underlying health conditions
  • drink plenty of water; sugary, alcoholic and caffeinated drinks can make you more dehydrated
  • close curtains on rooms that face the sun to keep indoor spaces cooler and remember it may be cooler outdoors than indoors
  • open windows when it feels cooler outside and it’s safe to do so
  • never leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle, especially infants, young children or animals
  • try to keep out of the sun between 11am to 3pm
  • walk in the shade, apply sunscreen and wear a hat, if you have to go out in the heat
  • avoid physical exertion in the hottest parts of the day
  • wear light, loose fitting cotton clothes

For further details, please see Heatwave: how to cope in hot weather (NHS).

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