Apply now for 30 hours childcare funding

Make your application for the autumn term now


Working parents and carers are encouraged to apply now for free 30 hours childcare funding for the autumn term.

Eligible parents of three and four-year-olds across Leicestershire are reminded they need to confirm their details every term to ensure they still receive their entitlement. 


We want to encourage as many parents and carers across Leicestershire to claim childcare they are entitled to.

The increased cost of living has caused additional hardship for some, and we urge families to use all available resources to their advantage.

“Attending childcare has many benefits, including supporting early learning and helping children develop their social skills ready for school.


All three-year-olds are entitled to 15 hours free funding, but some working parents can claim 30 hours.   Find out more and see the eligibility criteria 

Further advice and help paying for your childcare is also available 

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