In line with the Public Sector Equality Duty, we publish information about our decision making processes, along with the equality data used in making these decisions.
We have a responsibility to publish equality objectives every 4 years. However we aim to review them more regularly.
Our priority equality objectives
Objective 1: To maintain or improve the council’s workforce representation for gender, disability, sexual orientation, race and age by the end of March 2020.
Objective 2: To provide fair pay and reward to council employees.
Objective 3: To ensure that appropriate equality and diversity training is completed by staff and members of the council.
Objective 4: The council has clear and accountable leadership for its equalities duties at all levels.
Objective 5: To ensure all members of staff feel equally valued and supported.
Objective 6: To understand the effect of our policies and practices on people with different protected characteristics and human rights.
Objective 7: To provide information in the most appropriate and accessible way.
Objective 8: To empower communities across Leicestershire to be cohesive, tolerant and resilient
Our Equality action plan details the actions we will take and how we will measure progress in meeting these objectives.
Equalities and procurement
Equality in procurement involves making sure that:
- Our suppliers are appointed fairly
- Services are provided equally to everyone
- Our suppliers employ people equally and fairly
Taking this approach helps us to supply better services which meet the needs of our diverse community. We do this by including equality requirements in our contracts where relevant and then making sure that these are followed.