Equality and diversity

We are committed to equality and diversity because we believe that everyone deserves to be treated fairly.

Find out about our strategy for promoting equality, diversity, human rights and community cohesion and how we monitor our progress.

Learn how the council is committed to equality of opportunity in employment and the services it provides.

Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) help us understand if our services are meeting everyone’s needs, and how they’re provided to individuals from different sectors of the community.

Find out about the groups that support the delivery of the council’s equality strategy and our staff.

When making decisions or policies we consider how they will affect people and have published priority equality objectives to help us do that.

Leicestershire County Council is committed to removing barriers that disabled people face and to help all our employees perform to their full potential.

Find out how we support lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) staff and residents in Leicestershire.

To help everyone access the information they need we have an interpretation and translation service.

Building on the progress made over the past years, Leicestershire County Council remains committed to fostering an inclusive and anti-racist organisation.

A hate incident is any incident where someone is targeted because of who they are, or who someone thinks they are. Report a hate incident.


Graphic of women in various stances

Gongs given for supporting staff in the workplace

The council has been shortlisted for the Local Government Chronicle Workforce awards

The county council is proud to reveal its place in Stonewall’s list of 100 top employers in the UK