A new one-off grant for carers facing unexpected additional costs by supporting an adult recently released from hospital is open for applications.
The government-funded Hospital Discharge Grant is for carers aged over 18 and available for those living in Leicester city or Leicestershire who have recently left hospital.
Unpaid carers are eligible for the grant if they look after or support someone who wouldn't be able to manage everyday life without their help.
The grant is funded through the government’s Accelerating Reform Fund (ARF) project and is being run by Leicestershire County Council and Leicester City Council.
To qualify for the one-off grant, carers will need to show that:
• the cared for person lives in Leicestershire or the city of Leicester
• they were discharged from hospital during the last two weeks (at the time of applying)
• they have incurred additional costs linked to the hospital discharge
We’ve already seen that this grant can offer much-needed support to people who do such a wonderful job in looking after their loved ones.
Because unpaid carers don’t see themselves as carers, they may not be in touch with our Support for Carers’ service.
We want to reach out to these people and encourage them to apply for the grant, so that they have an opportunity to receive both practical and emotional support during such a stressful time.
Person:Councillor Christine Radford, cabinet member for adults and communities
Assistant city mayor for adult social care in Leicester, Councillor Mohammed Dawood, said: “There are an estimated 6.5 million unpaid carers in the UK. Many carers feel that they’re doing what anyone would do in the same situation, but that doesn’t mean you are not entitled to support.
"So if you, or someone you know, is caring for someone that has recently been discharged from hospital, please do apply for this grant and get some extra help.”
Voluntary Action South Leicestershire (VASL) is administering the scheme on behalf of the county council. Carers can apply by completing the online application form on the Support for Carers website.
Alternatively, carers can call VASL on 01858 468543 or email maureen@supportforcarers.org for advice and support to complete the application.
If the cared for person lives in Leicester visit the Age UK Carers Support Service website or contact Age UK: Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland: 0116 2220556 or email carers@ageukleics.org.uk for support.