Residents invited to have their say on plans for new link road

The Bardon link road is part of a wider scheme of improvements to eight junctions along the A511

A sketch of the proposed link road.

Residents are invited to have their say on plans to create a link road to ease traffic congestion in the Coalville area.

 Leicestershire County Council wants to create the link road from the Bardon Road roundabout to housing developments off Grange Road. 

 A planning application for the link road is being prepared, but the county council is first seeking the views of local residents and businesses on the detail and design of the work.

 A consultation on the scheme begins today (September 27) and will run until October 31. There will also be two drop-in events for people to attend to find out more about the proposals.

 The link road scheme will also include lit footpaths and cycle paths, meaning that local residents can be less reliant on their cars when travelling between the new housing developments and Coalville town centre. It will also feature an underpass to allow people to safely cross the railway line.

 Although people will have a second chance to comment once the planning application is submitted, everyone is invited to look at the details and comment on the feedback form.

 The Bardon link road is part of a wider scheme of improvements to eight junctions along the A511, including upgrading a single carriageway to a dual carriageway between Thornborough Road and Whitwick Road.

 The bulk of the cost of the wider scheme – around £42m - is expected to be met from the Department for Transport’s Major Road Network Fund, with the county council continuing to progress its bid.


Leicestershire is growing – and we’re focused on creating jobs and boosting skills, but we need the right infrastructure in place to manage that growth. These improvements to the road network around Ashby and Coalville are much needed.

 The A511 has suffered from congestion for many years and this scheme will not only improve traffic flow, but will also have environmental benefits as it will lead to a reduction in exhaust emissions and improve air quality.

 The scheme will provide us with the opportunity to improve public transport and promote walking and cycling initiatives, which will contribute towards our commitment to make our county cleaner and greener.”

Councillor Ozzy O’Shea, cabinet member for highways and transport

 Two drop-in events are to be held where residents can find out more.  They will be staged at the Hermitage Park Hotel in Whitwick Road, Coalville on Wednesday September 29 between 10am and 3pm and on Friday October 1 between 4pm and 8pm.

Residents can also have their say online. Once the consultation has closed on October 31, the county council will review all the suggestions and comments received during the consultation and consider any necessary alterations to the design.

 A consultation report will be produced which will summarise the responses received and will form part of the planning application. It will be available on the Have Your Say pages of the LCC website.

  • Residents can make comment on the other junctions involved in the wider scheme through the main A511 website.


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