Less than a week left to have your say - Local Transport Plan

Respond by Monday 23 September

Pictures of different modes of transport plus text reading A local plan for Leicestershire have your say

There’s still time to have your say on a major document which sets out the county council’s vision and objectives for transport.

For the past six weeks, the council has been running a consultation on its fourth Local Transport Plan (LTP4).

A wide range of detailed responses from residents and interested groups have already been submitted and the council is inviting more feedback by Monday 23 September.

Councillor Ozzy O’Shea, cabinet member for highways and transport, said: “We’re pleased to have already heard from so many people and all the feedback we receive will be reviewed and used to inform the next stage of our transport plan. It also helps us to develop a case for the funding we need to make vital improvements.”

The consultation is open until Monday 23 September and can be accessed on the Draft Local Transport Plan page. 

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