Harborough exhibition brings communities together

New exhibition celebrates Harborough

Contributors to the We Are Harborough exhibition

Exploring passions, traditions and culture, the new We Are Harborough community exhibition has launched at Harborough Museum.

With more than 500 local people taking part in the project, co-curated by Leicestershire County Council’s participation team and community members, the free exhibition is now on display until 31 August.


It is wonderful to see so many people contributing to this fantastic exhibition. Bringing together different communities that help to make Harborough thrive is a great way to celebrate the local area.

“I’d like to thank every single person who has taken the time to contribute and celebrate what Harborough means to them. Their hard work has led to this brilliant exhibition.

“I hope that many people, both in and outside of Harborough, take the chance to visit the free exhibition over the next few months and see what the Harborough means to the people who live in, work in and visit the area.

Councillor Christine Radford, cabinet member for adults and communities

Local families, Gypsy and Traveller communities, young people, adult learners, heritage volunteers and local people have shared their memoires, experiences, meaningful objects and stories. The exhibition has also been co-curated by Ukrainian guests who share their experiences of coming to Harborough and being welcomed into the Harborough community over the last year. 

From artwork, belongings with a link to Harborough to pictures and rap music, the exhibition explores the people of Harborough and what Harborough means to them.

The exhibition aims to connect, create and share through culture. Visitors can expect to see ceramic models created by Go Learn's Adult Art Group, memories from ‘Harborians’ ranging back to the 1920s and a rap created by the young people living in Harborough.

Members of the local Gypsy and Traveller communities share their traditions and experiences with the aim of reducing stereotypes, dispelling myths and reducing prejudice and discrimination they face. 

As part of the five-month exhibition several activities including guided museum visits, creative workshops and reminiscence sharing days will be on offer.

More information about the exhibition is available at www.cultureleicestershire.co.uk/projects/we-are-harborough/. Details about Harborough Museum, including opening times, can be found at www.harboroughmuseum.org.uk/.

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