Cabinet to discuss highway maintenance

If agreed, a consultation on future maintenance of the roads will be held

Road workers reading a map

A consultation on maintenance of Leicestershire’s roads and pavements will be discussed by councillors this month.

Following changes to national guidance on highways maintenance, Leicestershire County Council’s cabinet is set to approve a consultation to help shape the authority’s new maintenance approach.

If agreed by members, the consultation would be held from May.


There have been national changes in maintenance guidance for authorities so we are taking the opportunity to look at how we look after our roads.

Before we can introduce a new strategy we want to hear from parish councils, motorists and residents on areas where they feel we could make changes, we are open to suggestions.


The council’s new strategy for highway maintenance would be introduced in April 2017 and would be shaped by comments received during a consultation.

The public consultation, which would run through the summer, would look at options for more partnership working with organisations. Alongside the consultation, representatives of user groups, businesses, parish councils and other organisations will be invited to take part in focus groups.

The future approach to maintenance consultation will be discussed by cabinet on 19 April – the meeting can be watched online.

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