Ask a question at a committee or board meeting

If you live in Leicestershire and feel strongly about something that concerns a Leicestershire County Council service, or relates to an issue which we may be able to help with, you can ask a question of the Chairman of the relevant committee or board.

The Police and Crime Panel does accept questions from the public, but has its own rules and guidance on how to do this. To submit a question to the Police and Crime Panel, please see the guidance below:

For planning matters, please also see the guidance relating to the Development Control and Regulatory Board.

Your question

Questions cannot be asked at meetings of the Cabinet or full council.

Once you've read the information on this page, use the online form below to ask your question, which:

  • Must be submitted no later than 5 clear days before the meeting (eg. by 5pm on a Tuesday preceding a committee meeting on Monday).
  • Must be worded as a question rather than a briefing note or opinion piece.
  • Can include some context, but this should be kept to a minimum and should not include photographs. We will edit your question if we think it is too long or includes unnecessary or inappropriate information. We'll also make sure that your question doesn't include any personal or confidential information.

Submit your question online

If you're unable to use the online form, please contact the Democratic Services Officer whose details are provided on the front of the agenda for the meeting, or email 

We may decline to accept a question if, in our opinion, it is:

  • not relevant to the functions of the committee or board concerned
  • offensive, frivolous or defamatory or substantially similar to a question asked at a meeting in the past 6 months
  • requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information

Before the meeting

  • The Chairman will produce a written response to your question, which we will share with you via email once we’ve received it.
  • We will ask you if you wish to ask a supplementary question. You can ask one supplementary question to clarify the reply given. You cannot use the supplementary question to introduce new issues.
  • You do not have to give us advance notice of the supplementary question, but it is helpful and might mean that it is answered at the meeting, rather than you receiving a written response after the meeting.

At the meeting

  • Questions will be taken in the order they're received.
  • The period for dealing with questions will be limited to 10 minutes, but can be extended where the committee/board agrees.  
  • The questions and answers will be taken as read having been circulated to members of the committee/board in advance and published on the council's website.
  • You may ask your supplementary question (see above for the restrictions on supplementary questions).
  • Asking your supplementary question will be captured on the webcast, and it will be assumed that you agree to the broadcast of your image.
  • Neither the questions nor the answers will be debated.  However, a member of the committee/board can propose that the subject be considered at a future meeting. This would then be voted upon.
  • You do not need to attend the meeting for your question to be dealt with.  However, you must attend either in person or online if you wish to ask a supplementary question. If it cannot be answered during the meeting (more likely if we have not had prior notice of your supplementary question), a response will be provided afterward.

If you're unable to attend or join a meeting online to ask a supplementary question, or you don’t feel comfortable asking this, you can ask your local county councillor to ask it on your behalf.

After the meeting

  • Your question and the answer will be included in full in the minutes of the meeting. If you asked a supplementary question, the question and response will also be summarised in the minute.
  • If you were told that you would receive a written response to your supplementary question, we will aim to send it to you within a week of the meeting.

We will not retain your data for any other purpose or contact you again once you've received a response to your supplementary question. For further information on our approach to data protection, please see Data protection and privacy.