Cabinet discusses new strategy for sexual health services

A new approach to sexual health services is to be discussed

Cabinet approval for a new strategy on Leicestershire’s sexual health services is expected to be confirmed next week (19 April).

The strategy looks at better ways of co-ordinating the service across the county council’s public health team, NHS England and clinical commissioning groups.

Councillor Ernie White, the county council’s cabinet member for health, said: “Sexual ill-health can affect all parts of society and we’ve made good progress in terms of improvements, but we have to respond to the needs of a growing, older population, changes in relationship patterns and how people live their lives.

“The service has become more fragmented as a result of the Care Act and this strategy will ensure stronger collaborations to produce more joined-up care - with an improvement in quality too.”

The approach would include new approaches to screening for sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia, teenage pregnancy, as well as community-based services.

There will also be a continued focus on supporting schools in their work around relationships and sex education as well as increasing the access to local services through the use of new technology.

Cabinet will also consider the findings of an eight-week consultation which showed the majority of respondents agreed strongly – or tended to agree – with the recommendations, priorities and approach taken in the strategy.

The report will be discussed by Cabinet when it meets at 2pm on Tuesday, 19 April. You can watch it, live, or watch a recording from the following day onwards.

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