Community safety

lady on phone

Community awareness and our responsibility

Leicestershire County Council has compiled a Community Safety Strategy (2022-26) together with a Community Safety Agreement which outlines common community safety priorities across partner agencies. You can find out more on our professional resources site.

How to recognise abuse and report it.

Find out how to recognise child abuse or neglect and who to contact to report it.

You can go to a Keep Safe Place if you're out and about and need to go somewhere to feel safe or get help for a few minutes.

Ask for Angela gives women and men a subtle phrase to assist getting them out of potentially dangerous and helpless situations.

Information and support helping to reduce the threat of terrorism and extremism.

Advice and support about domestic or sexual abuse.

The Violence Reduction Network has been set up locally, it will enable a co-ordinated local response across partner agencies, to serious violence.

Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) is generally defined as behaviour that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to another individual. Find out how to report it here.

We've teamed up with partners to launch this year's Safer Summer campaign.

Contact details for Travellers Liaison Officers and the Traveller Education Service.

A hate incident is any incident where someone is targeted because of who they are, or who someone thinks they are. Report a hate incident.

Leicestershire Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) service respond to allegations against staff and volunteers who work with children and young people. You should report an adult if you have concerns or allegations against them.


How to reach out if you have safety concerns

'Safe havens' available in busy retail areas