The penultimate roadshow of the year for families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is being held on Thursday 26 September.
This special event also has activities and advice for children and young people including positive mental health activities, no bake food sessions, music and sensory rooms.
The free event will take place from 5-7.30pm at County Hall in Glenfield and is open to anyone who would like more information about support available from SEND services.
More than 35 different organisations which support SEND children and their families are expected to attend the event, which has been organised by Leicestershire County Council.
They include information on autism and education, help for young carers, a range of sports opportunities, the Specialist Teaching Service and the SEND Youth team.
Councillor Deborah Taylor, county council lead member for children and families, said:
“The local offer roadshows are a brilliant way for families and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities to find out more about available support and chat first-hand to professionals and representatives from organisations about how they can help.
“Our roadshows have proved popular in the past and this time we’re adding a new dimension by putting on activities for children and young people with SEND.”
Further information about SEND Local Offer roadshows can be found on our dedicated web page or on Facebook.
Anyone looking to learn more about the council’s Local Offer can email localoffer@leics.gov.uk.
Organisations set to attend include:
- Ambition Sports Coaching
- Autism Hub Midlands
- Care Navigator, NHS
- CFWS Young Carers
- Chatterbug
- Creating Tomorrow College
- Disability Football
- Early Years Inclusion & Portage
- Elite Tutoring Group
- Forever Savy
- FTM Dance
- GoLearn!
- Menphys
- Healthwatch Leicester & Healthwatch Leicestershire
- Inclusion Service
- Leicestershire Dyslexia Association
- Leicestershire Cares
- Leicestershire County Cricket
- Leicestershire Educational Psychology Service
- Leicestershire Local Transport Plan
- Leicestershire SEND Hub
- Lifeways - Support Provider
- LPT - Community CAMHs
- LPT ChatAutism
- LPT Primary Care Liaison Team
- Pedestrian
- Play, Leisure and school aged childcare (Early years, Inclusion and Childcare Service)
- Reach Education and Wellbeing
- SENSE College
- Sensory Movement Space
- Specialist Teaching Service
- WHM Work Connections Education & Social Care Services
- Young Adults Disabilities Team