Where to start with SEND

All parents are reminded to apply for a school place through admissions, even if your child is going through the EHCP Needs Assessment.

You need to secure a mainstream school place even if you expect your child to access a specialist provision should an EHC Plan be agreed.

Having a school place does not contribute to any decision making around placements. If you do not apply for a school place this could result in your child missing out on education.

The Leicestershire Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and their families information about help and services in Leicestershire.

Find explanations for some commonly used words and abbreviations that you might hear when looking into support for your child with special educational needs and disabilities.

In response to what young people and families have told us, we have developed a series of short videos of professionals talking about their roles.

If your child isn’t progressing as well as they should, is having difficulty at nursery, school or college, or has a disability, they can get extra help.

The Disabled Children and Young People’s Register is a secure database which aims to capture information about all children and young people aged 0-25years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) living within Leicestershire.


Lutterworth event on Wednesday 12 February showcases SEND support

Join us on 26 September at County Hall

Drop-in event on Monday (May 13) showcases support available for families with children & young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)