We're now a Mental Health Friendly Place!

Fox Hair Design, a hair salon based in Barwell, is now a Mental Health Friendly Place! ✍️ Carl, Owner of Fox Hair Design

Two people reading leaflets

Mental Health Friendly Places is a programme that local businesses or organisations in your community (such as a beauty salon, barber shop, sports club, tattoo parlour or community centre) can sign up to, to gain free training and resources around mental health and wellbeing. This training can really help staff and/or volunteers to have confident conversations with customers or visitors about their mental wellbeing and point them in the right direction to get the support they may need.

We spoke to Carl, the owner of Fox Hair Design, to see how the scheme has made a difference to them. 

Proud to be a mental health friendly place

How have you found the Mental Health Friendly Places programme as a whole?

We’ve found the programme really useful, informative and empowering. At times it challenged us emotionally, but we are proud as a team to have taken part.

How has the programme impacted you, your team and your guests?

I think the programme has really given all of us the confidence to be able to face difficult mental health related conversations with our guests. It has given us the knowledge to be able to spot early signs that a guest may be struggling.

Why did you want to sign up to a programme like this one?

Of our team of 10, 6 of us have been impacted by suicide; be it a family member or a friend. It was greatly important to all of us to be able to raise awareness. Hairdressers and guests share a special bond, we are often the confidant, people open up in the chair in a way that they may not feel able to do with a family member or friend. This puts us in a very privileged position; so it was imperative to me that my team have the toolkit to be able to navigate sometimes difficult conversations.

Have you been able to help someone with the training you have received?

Yes, we have been able to support two guests specifically who have faced recent challenges. We were able to do this with care, compassion and confidence.

Would you recommend the programme to other organisations who may be in a similar position?

We would 100% recommend this programme. If you are a hair or beauty professional the programme is invaluable. Guests put their trust in us, they confide in us, sometimes they need help. The programme has given my team and I the confidence to have those difficult conversations. We can’t solve everyone’s struggles, but we may be able to make them a little easier by listening and signposting guests to help and support services.

If your organisation or an organisation you know would like to get involved with the free programme, then head to our Mental Health Friendly Places website for information and guidance.


It’s okay to not be okay, please do not suffer alone. If you or someone you know needs support with their mental health and wellbeing then support is available.

To find services near you, head to our Start a Conversation website.

Call 999 immediately if there is a danger to life.

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