A day in the life of a Senior Public Health Nutritionist

The Weight Management Team deliver programmes and provides support to residents who want to begin their weight management journey. Usmaa is one of our Senior Public Health Nutritionists who works within the team, we spoke to her to see what her role entails! ✍ Usmaa Bashir, Senior Public Health Nutritionist

a person sat at a table filled with fruits and vegetables filling in forms

How did you get started in this profession?  

I have always had a keen interest in the health of people and have been committed to working to improve the health of individuals. My particular interest has always been on diet as this is known to be a key factor that can affect health. This interest led me to undertake and successfully complete a BSc Nutrition and an MSc Nutrition and Food Management. My studies equipped me with knowledge on how food can nourish the body and affect health and the importance of a balanced, healthy diet.  

What does your job involve? 

As a Senior Public Health Nutritionist, I support with the day to day running of the service. This involves managing part of the team and being their first point of call for support, developing efficient processes for our services, ensuring smooth running of our patient management system, planning groups and events and conducting risk assessments. I also liaise with partners to promote the service and ensure the best support is available to all our clients.  

Part of my role also involves delivering Weight Management support for clients on a 1:1 basis and within Digital Groups. I may be one of the Nutritionists who is leading your digital group or who you have been allocated to for 1:1 support. I also contribute to the delivery of our children’s programmes which include Cooks 4 Life and Healthy eating, Healthy activity..  

What is a typical day like for you? 

I start the day by checking my emails and my diary. I respond to any communication and plan for any clients, groups or meetings I have that day. This could be clients I see regularly on a 1:1 basis or delivery of my Weight Management Groups. I may have partner or team meetings or 1:1s with my team. If I have any children’s groups, it may be that I factor time to prepare for the delivery of that group with these being face to face. 

What do you enjoy most? 

I enjoy supporting clients to make positive changes to their eating habits. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience to provide benefit to clients. Building a rapport, providing a personalised approach and supporting them through their weight management journey is very fulfilling. 

We often have clients that come into our service who have tried many approaches to lose weight with limited success. Empowering them to tackle habits one step at a time to see that sustainable weight loss is a lifestyle change rather than a FAD diet or restrictive approach is not only enjoyable but greatly satisfying as they are then able to continue to maintain the changes they have made independently. 

 I am lucky to be part of a fantastic team which delivers a great service! 

How does your work make you feel? 

It is gratifying to be a part of someone's journey to improving their health. Knowing you have been part of a client’s journey to either losing weight, reducing their medication, feeling more energetic, having less pain or reducing their risk of certain health conditions is greatly rewarding!  


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