Waste site consultation enters final two weeks

Closing date is Wednesday, 24 January

General shots of waste site

People still have time to have their say on a public consultation into proposals to make changes to Leicestershire’s recycling and household waste sites. 
Over 3,500 people have already taken part in the survey on the council’s proposed changes - focused on reducing costs and the impact on residents.  
These include: 

  • Closing three recycling and household waste sites - Market Harborough, Shepshed and Somerby  
  • Changing the opening days at Bottesford and Melton Mowbray  
  • Closing all sites on Christmas Eve  
  • Changing summer opening hours at all recycling and household waste sit
  • Proposed closures and the change in summer opening hours would save around £400,000 each year. 

The council has repeatedly highlighted the financial pressures facing local government, and it recently published its toughest ever four-year budget proposal, where forecasts show the budget gap could top £85m by 2028. 

We’ve had a great response so far from residents having their say and I’m encouraging as many people as possible to give their views as we enter the final two weeks. 
Our financial pressures are the toughest we’ve ever faced and we need to make savings wherever we can. If approved, these proposals will help us reduce our costs. Please complete the consultation before it closes."

The consultation is open until Wednesday 24 January 2024 and can be found on the council’s Have Your Say page. 
You can also sign up to our Have Your Say newsletter on our website to find out about the latest consultations and engagements across Leicestershire. 

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