Accommodation support for Ukrainian families

Information for Ukrainian families about finding independent housing in Leicestershire and accessing housing support.

Emergency housing support

If you need emergency housing outside of normal office hours, call the number for your area:

  • North West Leicestershire District Council – 01530 833373
  • Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council - 01455 251 437
  • Harborough District Council - 01858 828 282
  • Melton Mowbray Borough Council – 01664 502 502
  • Blaby District Council – 0844 736 9545
  • Charnwood Borough Council - 0333 200 8811
  • Oadby and Wigston Borough Council - 0800 083 969

Moving to another host

If you need to move on from your current host often Ukrainian guests best option is another host. We can support you to find a new host. We do have new hosts in many areas of the county.

If your host has told us the hosting will come to an end we will get in touch with you – otherwise speak to your Support Officer or contact

Our support team

Our team includes housing options officers who offer support and a tailored pathway to help guests towards renting privately, where this is appropriate and affordable for them. This includes:

  • housing related financial advice (explaining Universal Credit, expected bills and other costs)
  • practical support (with viewings, form fillings and setting up accounts with energy providers if necessary)
  • follow up visits to make sure guests are settled and stable

Our team have produced a booklet of initial information about housing options available to Ukrainians in the UK, please read this first and get in touch with us to let us know what further support you need.

For more information speak to your Support Officer or contact