You said, we did

Engagement 2019

Closed consultations and engagements

Delivering Wellbeing and Opportunity in Leicestershire

Date: 16 December 2019 - July 2020

Adults and Communities department ambitions and strategy for 2020-2024.

Consultation on the proposed ambitions for the department, vision and model of working with people in Leicestershire who utilise our support, heritage, learning and library services.

We asked

The aim of the consultation was to gather feedback on the proposals set out in the strategy. The consultation was specifically interested in:

  • views on the proposed principles of future delivery of services, especially the increased focus on wellbeing
  • support or opposition regarding the different elements of the proposed model
  • views on our ideas about delivering the model

You said

Overall, the strategy was supported

  • Particularly welcome were statements in the strategy that were more explicit in recognising and encouraging the link between/contribution of Community and Wellbeing services and/ to social care. 
  • Leicestershire County Council should continue to build on its development of partnerships. The feedback stressed the importance of timely, considerate, and clear communications including, listening and practical support (e.g. enabling partners to make use of the authority's purchasing power, training, social media) 
  • The department was asked to consider additional clarity in the Strategy about partnership commitments that the department has made and where there may be future opportunities including with health and district councils. 
  • Respondents cited the importance of sharing information from/with NHS, providers and other partners and finding ways to do this within the framework of GDPR compliance

View the full report:

Adult and Communities Department Strategy Consultation Report 2020   Opens new window

We did

We have noted the responses and incorporated them wherever possible into the final version of the strategy document and the delivery plan. Specific workstreams are now in place to ensure closer working between Leicestershire County Council and partner organisations. This includes the sharing of electronic information as well as commissioning services jointly. 

Budget Proposals for 2020-2024

Date: 18 December 2019 - 19 January 2020

Consultation on the 2020/21 budget and medium term financial plan 2020-24

We asked

Asking the general public for their views on the County Council's Budget proposals for 2020-24. We're encouraging residents, businesses, parish councils and partner organisations to give their views on our latest four-year budget proposals by completing a short survey. Our latest plan shows costs set to rise by £117m requiring savings of £80m to be made. Investment planned in tackling climate change (£16m) and support for vulnerable people (£34m) as well as £7m additional one off investment for road maintenance.

You said

In total 239 responses were received. The majority of responses favoured council tax increases of 4% or more (including 2% specifically to fund adult social care). More people agreed with our proposals on growth and savings than disagreed:

  • There was general concern about any need to cut services for vulnerable people such as special education needs and disabilities as well as social care (children’s and adults).
  • There was general support for the council’s fair funding campaign.
  • Savings initiatives were encouraged, in particular around staff expenditure and highways maintenance.

You can find more detail via our Cabinet papers (Friday 7 February 2020).

We did

The consultation responses were reported back to Cabinet as per the meeting above (refer to appendix N) and final decisions on the medium term financial strategy took account of the responses/comments received as part of the consultation.

Leicestershire Schools Admissions - 2021 entry

Date: October - November 2019

A six-week consultation was run from mid-October 2019 that sought to change Leicestershire’s oversubscription criteria and to change several catchment areas across Leicestershire. To come into effect from entry 2021.

We asked

We are consulting on proposed changes to the school admissions policy (for start of school year 2021) including changes to catchment areas. The consultation is open until 29 November 2019. The consultation is open to anyone to complete, but it may be of particular interest to parents and carers of children between 2 and 18, schools (including academies), voluntary-controlled schools, aided schools, community special schools, pre-school providers, dioceses, neighbouring LAs and a range of professional agencies.

You said

We received in general a low response rate however in terms of the proposal to remove the ‘belief’ criterion 71% were in favour of the removal with only 23% objecting.

In terms of the catchment changes majority of respondents were in favour of the changes.

The only concerns raised related to whether sibling who would fall outside of the catchment would secure places. As all siblings had secured places on historic basis this was not a sufficient reason to not make the change. Furthermore, if the catchment changes were not made several schools would be over-burdened.

We did

In response to the consultation feedback Cabinet agreed the changes to remove the Belief criterion, and to adopt the catchment changes.

School Funding Proposals for 2020-21

Date: 31 October 2013 - 23 October 2019

Consultation with Leicestershire maintained schools and academies on proposals for a 0.5% transfer of funding from the Schools Block Dedicated Schools Grant to the High Needs Block Dedicated Schools Grant.

We asked

On 22 October 2019, the council’s Cabinet discussed the increasing need to support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Cabinet members agreed to consult with county schools on the proposed transfer of up to 0.5 per cent of budgets for both mainstream schools and academies into High Needs funding to help manage the budget position. Schools have so far have been engaged in conversations on the proposal through the Schools Forum and have been fully engaged in the development of additional provision and the SEND Strategy.

The consultation further sought views on two changes to the Leicestershire school funding formula as a result of changes to the National Funding Formula in respect of funding sparsity and mobility

You said

103 school responses were received to the consultation (36% of schools) of which 74% Strongly disagreed and 10% tended to disagree with the transfer of funding.

For the formula changes the responses were positive with 50% and 61% in favour of the proposed changes to sparsity and mobility funding

We did

Cabinet determined not to proceed with the funding transfer on 22 October 2019.

Cabinet approved the changes to the Leicestershire School Funding formula on 7 February 2020.

Proposals to improve Rugby Road and Hinckley Town Centre

Date: 21 October - 18 November 2019

Proposals were displayed at an exhibition at the Hinckley Hub with 2,800 letters delivered to properties and business within a 200-meter radius of each scheme. The consultation was based on a package of improvements to the Rugby Road corridor alongside a range of highway, pedestrian, cycling, parking, and signage schemes.

The scheme involves: 

  • Improvements to B590 Rugby Road junction with Hawley Road and Westfield Road
  • Improvements to B950 Rugby Road junction with Brookside
  • Improving walking and cycling facilities by closing the junction of Granville Road with Coventry Road
  • Improving cycling facilities on Rugby Road, Granville Road, and Coventry Road
  • Improving safety for pedestrians at the junction of Spa Lane and London Road
  • Reviewing residents and town centre parking
  • Updating direction and cycle signs in Hinckley.

We asked

Residents and business were asked to provide comment on each element of the scheme, if they agreed with the scheme or disagreed and any further comments they had. 

The consultation on our proposals to improve several key routes and junctions along the Rugby Road corridor and parts of Hinckley Town centre is now closed. The results have been analysed and were reported to Lead Member and Cabinet in the new year.

The overall feedback from the consultation demonstrated support for the scheme. We also asked for comments around the proposal to ensure all improvements that we were including suited residents’ concerns. 

You said

The principle opportunity for consultees to comment was through the consultation questionnaire.

In total, 181 responses were received, 162 online and 19 by post. Out of the responses 54% of residents agreed with the scheme overall. Out of the 46% that disagreed with the scheme most comments were around the Brookside junction, therefore following the consultation we did further testing and redesigned the brookside junction to ensure the concerns were addressed. 

All other elements of the scheme were supported by the public, the main feedback seem to suggest that along with the need to reduce congestion on the Rugby Road corridor. Cycling and walking improvements were key to residents alongside introducing residents parking.  

Regarding residents parking, Leicestershire County Council received a very good response rate consultations undertaken. Our first provided 44% response rate. with 69% in support of a permit parking scheme. 
 A couple of comments from residents below:


Very happy with the improvements which will make things easier for drivers and safer for pedestrians and cyclists. Living near Granville Road, preventing through traffic will stop the dangerous situation with Sainsbury's traffic at Christmas. The Coventry Road end is also as dangerous.


I live near to the Rugby Road/Hawley Road junction and any improvement to help the flow of traffic would be a great help.


This document provides a full breakdown of the consultation results and our next steps:

Rugy Road consultation results   Opens new window
You can find more detail via our Cabinet papers: Cabinet Tuesday, 24 March 2020 - 2pm

We did

Feedback received is was analysed and the results were reported to Lead member in December, and Cabinet in the new year. The results led highway officers to recommend that the scheme be implemented.

It was recommended to both Lead Member and Cabinet that the Leicestershire County Council highway team were to undertake the necessary processes to deliver the scheme, including, but not limited to, the acquisition of land, entering into a construction contract and introducing appropriate changes to traffic regulation orders as consulted. 

The Strategy will prioritise the improvements at both the Hawley Road and Brookside Junction.

The residents parking was sent forward for a formal consultation and the cycling and walking Improvements would be implemented over a duration of time.

Residents will be kept informed when each element of the scheme is to be implemented. 


Leicestershire Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Services (DSVA)

Date: September - November 2019

The consultation was web-based, accessible via the County Council’s website. In addition hard copy survey’s were made available on request and via a variety of venues across the county. 

We asked

The aim of the consultation was to seek views on the proposed  model for the delivery of support services for victims and survivors of domestic abuse (including children) and sexual violence. The focus is on easy access, advice and information, counselling and therapeutic support, and recovery.

You said

There were 28 responses to the consultation. The majority of respondents were female (82%). Over half the respondents were aged 35-44 (54%). 20 respondents identified as White, 5 respondents identified as Asian/Asian British, 1 respondent identified as Black/Black British, and 2 respondents ‘preferred not to say’.

  • 75% of respondents rated the accommodation service proposal as Very Good or Good
  • 78% of respondents rated the domestic abuse locality service proposal as Very Good or Good
  • 89% rated the Helpline Service proposal as Very Good/Good
  • 62% rated the domestic abuse perpetrator service as Very Good/Good
  • 50% rated the counselling service proposal as Very Good/Good

We did

Respondents were less positive in relation to the proposals for the counselling service. As a result, the model for domestic and sexual violence and abuse services will provide more emotional support and therapeutic support through the other elements of the domestic and sexual violence and abuse services.

In addition, dependent on future levels of funding it may be possible to further invest in services for domestic abuse perpetrators.   

Proposals to upgrade A511 from Ashby to Coalville

Date: September - October, 2019

The A511 proposals consist of a range of measures, including improvements to 8 junctions, an extension to the Bardon Link Road being provided as part of the South East Coalville development, and a dual carriageway between Thornborough Road and Whitwick Road in Coalville

We asked

Between 26 September and 23 October, we consulted on proposals to upgrade a number of locations on the A511 between Ashby and Markfield, including proposed junction layouts and designs. More than 200 people responded to the consultation. We have now analysed the feedback received and will use this to determine how to take the development forward.

You said

More than 200 people responded to the consultation.

A majority of people supported the individual junction proposals with the comments made regarding the dualling of Stephenson Way, Broom Leys Crossroads, Bardon Road junction and Link Road as well as Flying Horse Roundabout:

  • Comments on the dualling were that it was felt the length was too short
  • Comments on Broom Leys Crossroads and Flying Horse Roundabout were in response to the restrictions on certain manoeuvres
  • Comment on the Bardon Link Road extension ranged from the likelihood of affecting property values to the number of HGV’s that use Bardon Road

You can find more detail within the Cabinet papers - 22 November 2019

We did

If the bid is successful, the improvements will boost housing and employment in an area of Leicestershire which is rapidly growing. It will also help the A42 and M1 – which are ‘gateways’ to East Midlands Airport become more resilient. Discussions on the next steps are taking place and a decision will be made in due course.

The responses were largely aimed at wanting more than the scheme is able to provide. The section to be dualled due to its limited length the use of merge lanes at either end could cause conflict. The dualling of this section is the best means of enabling 2 lanes access and egress to the roundabout.

Draft Leicestershire Substance Misuse Strategy 2020-23

Date: July - September 2019.

The consultation was web-based, accessible via the county council website. In addition focus groups were held with service users and service providers.

We asked

The aim of the consultation was to seek the views of the general public and stakeholders on the proposed priorities for the Leicestershire Substance Misuse Strategy 2020-23.

You said

There was very little feedback from the general public, respondents included Adult Social Care Services, University Hospitals Leicester, district council community safety partnerships, substance misuse service providers, and substance misuse service users.

Responses were positive and supported the proposed approach.  There was substantial support for developing a partnership approach to addressing substance misuse. Feedback also focused on operational issues at a local level suggesting  more practitioner training, increased support for family and friends, and ensuring there is support for other vulnerable groups.

We did

Overall the consultation responses supported the Strategy’s proposed approach and the priorities were agreed. Some minor amendments were included within the priorities based on the feedback received. Following this the Cabinet agreed the final version of the Leicestershire Substance Misuse Strategy 2020-23 in November 2019.

Changes to Recycling and Household Waste Sites

Date: July - September 2019

We asked

We asked the general public for their views relating to opening times of recycling and household waste sites. Leicestershire County Council proposed reducing the daily recycling and household waste sites (RHWS) opening hours to 9am to 5pm in the summer (April to September), whilst leaving winter hours the same. We estimate that this proposal will save the council £134,000 by the end of 2020/21.

You said

A total of 860 responses received.

24) 815 responses were received from members of the public who were residents of Leicestershire, 23 responses were from people living outside the county, 16 responses identified themselves as public sector organisations. Three respondents identified themselves as 'others', two as businesses, and one as a voluntary organisation or charity.

25) The service also received 16 enquiries in addition to the consultation responses. The main concerns raised directly to the service rather than via the consultation were around the potential for increased incidents of fly tipping and the need for the retention of some after work opening hours for those people who cannot visit sites in the week between 9am-5pm due to work commitments.

The results show that, on average, over half respondents visit a RHWS once a month or once every 3 months. There were 450 respondents who said they used a site during the week, of which 62% said that they visited between 5pm and 7pm

28) The questionnaire also asked how the proposed change in opening hours would the affect the respondent’s ability to use one of the RHWS. Of the 683 respondents who answered this question, 27% said that a proposed change in opening times would make it much more difficult for them to visit. There were 27% who said it would make it somewhat more difficult for them, and 45% who said it would make little difference to them overall.

29) For those who said that the changes would make little difference, the main reasons were as follows:

  • A lot of people work full time so are unable to use the RHWS during the week at all. They are only able to use the sites at the weekend and therefore they would not be affected by the sites closing at 5pm instead of 7pm.
  • Another group of respondents that said that they would not be affected significantly by the proposed change were retired people or those who’s working week enabled them to use the RHWS during the day time.

30) For those respondents who indicated that the changes would make a difference, the main reason cited was that because they worked full time during the day, they benefitted from being able to use the RHWS after work and would like to keep this after work option.

We did

The consultation was due to go back to Cabinet in November 2019. Cabinet report was agreed as part of discussions around the medium-term financial strategy:

Cabinet report - 7 February 2020 (paragraphs 18 – 20)   Opens new window

It was decided that opening hours would not change in April 2020 as proposed.

Priorities Consultation

Date: 12 June - 10 September 2019

To seek views on our plans and to help us shape future services.

We asked

General public to give their views on how to prioritise our services in light of increased demand and need to find more savings due to increasing financial pressures.

You said

A total of 4,371 responses were received. These results were aggregated to identify what respondents felt were the highest priority services (listed below in order)

  1. Older people – enabling independent living in the community 
  2. Older people – residential and nursing homes 
  3. Road/paths 
  4. Gritting 
  5. Child protection
  6. Mental health
  7. Waste disposal 
  8. Children – in local authority care 
  9. SEND (including transport)
  10. Recycling and household waste sites (RHWS)/tips

and also to comment on specific council initiatives and ways of working. There was particularly strong support for:

  • increased partnership working
  • increased sustainability (reducing carbon)
  • continuing to explore efficiencies in processes, procedures and management (including increased use of technology)

You can find more detail via our Cabinet papers (Friday 22 November 2019).

We did

The consultation responses were reported back to Cabinet as per the meeting above and the feedback received has been used in prioritising services and making specific decisions in relation to both the 2020-24 Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and subsequently the 2021-25 MTFS. 

Ashby Canal Transfer

Date: May 2019 to June 2019

This consultation looked at considering transferring the ownership, obligations and responsibilities under the Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) for part of the Snarestone to Measham section of the Ashby Canal, to the Ashby Canal Association (ACA).

This was in order to progress the restoration of the canal.

We asked

We looked for the view of consultees on the proposal and suggestions for any alternative ways the council could pursue the restoration of the Ashby Canal.

You said

In giving views on the statement: “Leicestershire County Council should apply to Government to transfer to the Ashby Canal Association the land and powers, acquired under the Transport and Works Act, to restore the Ashby Canal from Snarestone to Measham”:

  • 95% Strongly agreed (136)
  • 3% Tended to agree (4)
  • 1% Neither agreed nor disagreed (1)
  • 1% Strongly disagreed (2)

In response to the question: “Do you have any alternative suggestions you believe the county council should pursue to deliver the restoration of the Ashby Canal from Snarestone to Measham?”:

  • 8% said Yes (11)
  • 92% said No (129)

The only completely alternative suggestion was that the Council should continue to take the lead role in restoring the canal as a long-term commitment.

We did

A  report was presented to the Cabinet on 13 September 2019 recommending that the council applies to the Secretary of State to transfer the TWAO, land and powers to restore the canal between Snarestone and Measham to the ACA, as proposed.

Leicestershire County Council Cabinet agreed the recommendations of the report. 

Homelessness Prevention Support

Date: May - August, 2019

Proposed changes to the provision of housing-related support to vulnerable people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. 

We asked

We wanted to hear your views on proposed changes to the provision of housing-related support to vulnerable people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The council proposed:

  1. The in-reach housing support element based at the Falcon Centre remains unchanged, continuing to provide intensive support and accommodation in times of crisis, for those that find themselves homeless.
  2. The outreach floating support element will be decommissioned and replaced with a redesigned, in-house community outreach model.

You said

The online questionnaire received only 47 responses but in addition 3 focus groups were held which were well attended.

The overwhelming responses recognised that those experiencing or at risk of homelessness often experience a complex range of issues that it was felt the proposed in house service model would not be suitably equipped to respond to and that there would be a loss of the housing specialism that is essential to this service.

Alternative models were proposed that would see a better joining up with the work of the districts and with the hostel provisions provided by the Falcon Centre. 

We were also asked to consider the duration of the involvement the service would have with service users due to the complexities faced and how best to cover the geography of the county.

You can find more detail via the Cabinet papers - 23 November 2018

We did

Based on the feedback a new service model was developed for Hostel based accommodation and outreach housing related support for adults at risk of, or experiencing homelessness across Leicestershire.

The new service specification allows for an increased amount of time working with service users, better cross working with the Falcon Centre and with all the District Councils to improve access and coverage and alignment to the strategic direction for both the Leicestershire County Council and the Districts. This underwent a procurement exercise early in 2020 with the new service under the successful bidder commencing 1 July 2020.

Proposal for new homes near Lutterworth

Proposal of 2750 new homes, 2 schools, 1m sq. ft of employment land, green space and recreation.

Construction date subject to the approval of the planning application.

We asked

A chance for the general public to share their views on the proposal for new homes near Lutterworth. The scheme – which would also generate millions of pounds for the county council to invest in frontline services - features:

  1. Swift Valley Community Park, playing fields, allotments, woodland, trees and hedgerows and new ecological habitats.
  2. Foot and cycle paths – connecting with Lutterworth town centre, boosting walking and cycling.
  3. 23 hectares of retail and business space - creating 2,500 jobs.
  4. Two new primary schools - and extra secondary school places.
  5. Roads and transport - improvements to main roads and M1 to boost capacity, a new M1 bridge, a new spine road to reduce town centre traffic plus new bus routes.
  6. A community hub - with shops, restaurants, cafes, health centre and community hall.
  7. Ultra-fast broadband at each property.   

You said

We received lots of responses from people in the county via the online survey (250 responses) and the 4 focus groups that were held.

A majority of people (89%) agreed that the council needs a strategy for cycling and walking in the county; and about half of the people (52%) we heard from said that fear of personal safety was a barrier to cycling for them. A majority of people (67%) were in favour of more segregated cycle lanes in the county, with similar levels of support (71%) for more road narrowing measures. 

You can find more detail via our Cabinet papers - Friday 29 March 2019

We did

Since the application was submitted, over 250 responses have been received in response to consultations. Now, further information on traffic, landscape, ecology and air quality has been submitted to Harborough District Council to help the authority determine the planning application. You can comment on this further information by visiting Harborough District Council’s website.

The strategy will include a priority on reducing barriers to cycling in the county as well as a design principle for future changes to the network that includes using segregated cycle ways wherever possible, and more road narrowing measures to reduce traffic speed. The strategy will be released in June 2022. 

East of Lutterworth Strategic Development Area

Date: March 2019 (approx.) - 21 June 2020

Hybrid planning application comprising: Outline application for development (including demolition) of up to 2,750 dwellings; business, general industrial and storage and distribution uses; two primary schools; neighbourhood centre; public open space; greenspace; drainage features; acoustic barrier; and other associated infrastructure (some matters reserved).

Full application for the development of a spine road and associated junctions with the A426 north of Lutterworth, Gilmorton Road, Chapel Lane, and the A4304 east of M1 Junction 20; comprising carriageway, footway, cycleway and associated infrastructure to include earthworks, bridge structures, services, drainage, landscaping, lighting and signage.

You can find more detail via our Cabinet papers - Friday 29 March 2019

We asked

General public to provide their feedback on the proposals to East Lutterworth.

Local Plan Policy L1 requires community consultation on the masterplan. The pre-application public consultation process has therefore sought to make local residents and stakeholders aware of the Applicant’s proposals for the Site and to provide an opportunity for them to comment on the proposals.

The feedback from the various public consultation events has informed the proposals which have been brought forward as part of the planning application.

The purpose of this SCI (Statement of Community Involvement) is to how the planning application has been informed by consultation with stakeholders and the local community. This report explains the consultation process undertaken, in terms of:

  • engagement with local residents and stakeholders
  • the method used to publicise events
  • the information presented
  • the method used to gather feedback on the proposals
  • a summary of the responses received during and after the public consultation events

You said

Following the public exhibition regarding the proposals to East Lutterworth, a number of comments were made, see: