Hollier’s Walk, Hinckley, Traffic Signal Junction Upgrade

Planned highway improvement works of traffic signal junction upgrade, in Hinckley affecting Hollier’s Walk, Derby Road, Leicester Road and New Buildings.

Scheme overview

Leicestershire County Council will be undertaking works to upgrade the traffic signalised junction at the junction of Hollier’s Walk, Derby Road, New Buildings and Leicester Road, beginning on Monday 20 January 2025 and lasting for approximately 13 weeks.

The works include new LED traffic signal heads, using extra-low voltage equipment and an improved junction design to allow safer traffic and pedestrian movements. We will also take the opportunity of resurfacing the junction as part of these works.

To ensure safety and efficiency, we will be using a combination of temporary road closures and multi-way temporary traffic signals.

The extent of the road closures will include Derby Road from its junctions with Hollier’s Walk to Alma Road, and New Buildings from its junctions with Leicester Road southwards towards the entrance to Aldi. A full road closure for resurfacing works will also be implemented, towards the end of the upgrade works.

Access to premises will be maintained as much as possible, however there may be short periods of restrictions, which will be managed and minimised where possible.

Key benefits of the scheme

  • Improved traffic flow
  • New efficient signalling
  • Reduced journey and waiting times
  • Improved junction capacity
  • Shortened pedestrian crossings
  • New safe and efficient diagonal crossing point with ‘on-crossing’ detection, extending the green time, where needed
  • Widened footway areas
  • Advance cycle stop-lines 

New scheme layout

Scheme Background

A contribution was received in accordance with a S106 agreement (2019/S106/0012/AGR of planning reference 17/01166/FUL) that required the provided funds contribute “towards pedestrian connectivity improvements to the Derby Road/New Buildings/Hollier’s Walk junction” in Hinckley.

In conjunction with observations from the local member, officers investigated options to improve the junction and the scheme being delivered will satisfy the S106 requirement, modernising the 20-year old traffic signals and providing much improved pedestrian accessibility. 

Contact us

Should you require any further information and progress updates about the scheme or works, or require details in an alternative format or language, please email Hollierswalk@leics.gov.uk.