The need for a transport plan

Some of the reasons for a new transport plan that we've identified.

Leicestershire transport network has a key role in enabling movement across the county, regionally and also nationally, to enable local communities to achieve their ambitions through access to key services and employment opportunities.

The transport network is also important to support and deliver economic growth and prosperity by providing access to key markets locally, regionally, nationally, and globally.

Increasing demand

The demands placed on the transport infrastructure are changing rapidly, and investment is needed to enable the transport network to adapt to climate change, promote active and healthy living and aid the delivery of new jobs and housing across the county.

In addition, significant changes to travel behaviour have been noticed alongside observing the impact of new technology and innovation which is changing the way transport networks across the county are utilised.

Changes in travel behaviour

The Covid-19 pandemic, lockdowns, and post-pandemic recovery has also led to significant changes in travel behaviour and demands on the transport network. There are now greater levels of home working which has produced changes to travel behaviour and patterns when compared to before the pandemic. However, this has resulted in communities needing access to reliable high-speed digital infrastructure, not only in their homes, but also in the wider community as organisations and businesses adopt hybrid working practices.

Transport networks

Transport networks are also experiencing greater movement in freight and logistics, due to the increased demand in online shopping which has resulted in a higher demand for the movement of goods, therefore, increasing Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) and Large Goods Vehicle (LGV) movements across the transport networks.

Leicestershire is located in the heart of the freight and logistics triangle, with East Midlands Airport acting as a core international gateway for the movement of goods and services globally.

Transport choice and the environment

In addition, there is greater awareness about the impact transport choice has on the environment which has led to higher demand or alternative low-carbon forms of travel including cycling, and demand for electric vehicle charging provision. The impact travel choices people make not only effect their own health, but also that of the wider well-being of communities as emissions can have a significant impact on respiratory illnesses.

An ageing population

An ageing population is an additional challenge due to the differing needs of older people and a greater reliance on public transport. The challenges to providing such services, particularly in a rural county, can lead to isolation and restricts access to key facilities and services the people rely on.

Public transport also sees a greater demand from younger generations for access to education and employment as they may not be able to drive or afford to maintain and run a motorised vehicle. In addition, younger people tend to have a greater awareness of and concern around impact on the environment.

With such challenges, it's the right time to develop and prepare a new LTP that will enable the council to tackle these challenges in a proactive and flexible manner and re-set the direction for transport policy and strategy across the county.