Leader’s statement on active travel in Leicestershire

Senior members at Leicestershire County Council are supporting the ambition of delivering more active travel initiatives across the county.

People cycling to work and walking to school

Nick Rushton, leader of Leicestershire County Council, has issued a statement in support of the authority’s active travel agenda and the ambition to deliver a range of initiatives across the county.

He also acknowledges the continued good work being done in support of Active Travel England’s (ATE) goals, to help shape its future funding plans for local authorities this year.

Senior members at Leicestershire County Council are supporting the ambition of delivering more active travel initiatives across the county

We’ve already declared a ‘climate emergency’ here in Leicestershire so it’s a ‘given’ that we’re fully behind the active travel agenda – we’re doing lots of great work and there is more to follow.

We’ve committed over £2.5m towards our goal of encouraging and facilitating increased active travel across the county, but, if we are to match the Government’s ambitions, it’s vital that we secure external funding.

Mr Rushton said the council has been emphasising its commitment to active travel through a host of initiatives.

These include:

Our end game is to see a fair proportion of funding being made available so we can work closely with ATE to jointly deliver on the Government’s ambitions for the benefit of Leicestershire’s communities, businesses and the environment.

Three of Mr Rushton’s Cabinet colleagues are also backing the council’s commitment to active travel.

Councillor Ozzy O’Shea, cabinet member for highways and transport, has also been involved in promoting cycling, walking and wheeling, making a recent visit to Bradgate Park after the Trust received an Active Travel Grant.

Councillor Louise Richardson, cabinet member for health, says active travel promotes the benefits of health and wellbeing as well as improving air quality.

Councillor Blake Pain, cabinet member for environment and the green agenda, is also fully behind the council’s active travel ambitions.

Further reading