Parking permits

Parked cars

Find out about residents, visitors and business parking permits.

Changes to Residents Parking Permits

Following a review of the County Council’s Notice Processing and Residents Parking service, it has become necessary to revise the current fee structure for residents parking - from 1 April 2025 the cost of all permits will be increased by 10%.

Please visit the MiPermit website where you will be able to register for an account and purchase a permit.

If you live or work in a designated restricted parking area in Leicestershire, you are eligible to be considered for a parking permit.

We have resident parking schemes in Anstey, Ashby, Loughborough, Market Harborough, Melton Mowbray, Narborough and Oadby & Wigston.

You can apply for a temporary residents' parking permit if you live or will be living in short-term temporary rented accommodation with a signed tenancy agreement of 12 months or less, in a restricted parking area in Leicestershire. This can include student accommodation.