Why you should report a flood
One of the main reasons you should report a flood is so that the risk management authority can be aware of where there are flooding issues. If they don’t know then they are unlikely to be able to help.
Flooding information can be used to:
- identify remedial actions such as unblocking gullies and raising riparian responsibilities with the responsible owner
- identify responsible organisations
- influence maintenance schedules
- validate predictive flood modelling
- support bids for funding project work which can help reduce flood risk - the greater the number of reports, the easier it is for agencies to make a business case for a project
- help capture the true economic cost of a flood
- facilitate partnership project work
We do not share flooding information with insurance companies.
We also do not share property specific flooding information.
Who to contact and when
There is no single organisation that is responsible for flooding.
Depending on what has caused the flood, you'll need to contact different organisations.
Please note that during a flood event there may be a delay in providing a response as the relevant organisation may be dealing with a surge in demand.