WheelPower - British Wheelchair Sport

Based at Stoke Mandeville Stadium in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, the birthplace of the Paralympic Movement, WheelPower is at the heart of wheelchair sport.

WheelPower are dedicated to providing opportunities for disabled people to find a sport they enjoy and provide opportunities throughout the year to introduce people to wheelchair sport.  Sport can develop confidence and improve fitness but it's also a great way to have fun and make friends. There are tremendous physical and psychological benefits, whatever your age or ability and that's why more and more people are joining our sport events.

WheelPower's Get Active events are a great way for adults and young people aged 5-18 with a disability to discover sport and physical activity in a safe, welcoming and friendly environment and all activity is adapted to suit your abilities.

With sports events in locations across England and an advisor programme at some of the Spinal Injury Centres around the country, WheelPower have been able to help even more people and transform lives through sport.

Leisure and recreation Sporting activities