Welly's Work Place

Space2B studios, George Street, Leicestershire, LE13 1AX

Welly's Work Place is a community focused, day service for adults with learning disabilities from 18 onwards who have finished their education but keen to continue to learn and develop their skills which could lead to progression and supported employment.

We provide 3 daily sessions, 2 of which are work based learning skills and and include Seasonal Enterprise*, event planning, working in our community cafe, market crafts, innovation and creation as well as horticulture.

*Seasonal Enterprise is where we create 12 week projects that are guided by the seasons.  For example, in Summer we made our own ice creams and lollies to sell at the cafe. In Autumn we are creating bunting, autumn leaf bound books and Halloween themed treats and for Chrstmas, we'll be making our own Christmas decorations and gifts to be displayed in Melton's St Marys Church.

Our wellbeing sessions include dance, singing, music, drama, sports, walking for wellbeing and Tai Chi.

No professional referral is needed to access our services.

Day care and day services Education, learning and employment Health and wellbeing
Leicester Melton Rutland