SSAFA the Armed Forces Charity

46 Clarence House, Humberstone Gate, Leicester, LE1 3PJ

Founded in 1885, the association exists to help, according to need all men and women serving, or who have served in the Armed Forces, and their families and dependants.

The Leicestershire branch has 20 fully trained caseworkers who visit clients, by appointment in their own homes. We assist with most things, but an example of some of the areas we often assist with are:

  • priority debts
  • brown and white goods
  • medical appliances eg. riser reclining chairs, scooters
  • shortfalls for Disabled Facility Grants

A call to the office on 0116 2511 033 is all it takes to see if you are eligible for assistance.

Advice and support Aids, adaptations and equipment Respite and short breaks
Charnwood Harborough Hinckley and Bosworth Melton North West Leicestershire Oadby and Wigston