Children and Family Wellbeing Service in partnership with HCYC Young Carers Group – Harborough

Delivered by Harborough Children and Young Peoples Charity (HCYC), The Young Carers group is an invitation only group for Young People aged 11 – 18 with Caring responsibilities.

The aim of this group is to enable young carers some respite from their caring responsibilities, giving them time to be themselves, enabling them to share their experiences and have fun with their friends who have similar responsibilities.

Our group provides young carers a place and time to meet together in a safe place and interact with their peers, providing them a sense of belonging.

Our group provides young carers, aged 11+, with the opportunity to have fun and get involved in various activities and discussion topics that they have chosen themselves.

Youth Workers and volunteers are always available to provide guidance and support when and where required.

The Young Carers Group in Harborough is run by Harborough Children and Young People’s Charity (HCYC) and runs every other Tuesday 6:30pm – 8:30pm. Please see the young carers group page on the Speak out website.

To make a referral contact Early Help First Response Children's Duty team on 0116 305 0005

Advice and support Clubs and groups Leisure and recreation Respite and short breaks