CHICKS Children's Charity

CHICKS is a registered charity that provides free respite breaks for disadvantaged children from across the UK.

A CHICKS break inspires new confidence and gives these children the chance to have fun, try new things and form positive childhood memories.

We live by our own signature giving the children the Gift of Hope, teaching the children that they can achieve anything and reach what may seem like impossible goals. The five-day breaks give children a chance get involved in a number of exciting activities and positive experiences at our Devon, Cornwall and Derbyshire retreats. The beautiful views and large grounds mean there is plenty of space to run about.

We have converted barns full of trampolines, basketball nets, pool tables and table tennis. Inside the house we have more games, a music centre and art & craft areas where face painting, baking and other fun things take place! Each week is different at CHICKS. Children have a chance to go horse-riding, kayaking, climbing to name a few, and will always experience lots of fun team games and tasty home-cooked dinners - making incredible memories every day.

Leisure and recreation Respite and short breaks
Blaby Charnwood Harborough Hinckley and Bosworth North West Leicestershire Oadby and Wigston