Early years SEND inclusion - your questions answered

Frequently asked questions.

What do I do if I am worried about my child’s development?

If you are worried about or have questions about your child’s development, you can speak to your Health Visitor, GP or childcare setting.

Leicestershire Early Years Inclusion Service have teams that your child can be referred to for extra support. Find out about each team and how to make a referral.

How can I support my child at home?

On our website we have a number of home learning packs filled with ideas and activities to do at home. They are split into areas of learning and deliberately created with resources commonly found in the home.

What is Inclusion Funding?

Inclusion funding can be applied for by childcare providers to support the inclusion of your child in their setting/provision.

What is SEND Intervention Funding (SENIF)?

When your child is starting school, your setting or school may talk to you about Intervention Funding. This funding can be applied for by schools and is to support the inclusion of your child such as interventions, staffing and extra support to help your child in school.

What is an EHCP?

An Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) is an individualised, comprehensive plan created by the local authority to support the inclusion of your child. See:

Parents guide to statutory assessment for early years children   Opens new window

Is there funding available to support my child at before/after school and holiday clubs?

Funding is available for children aged 4 - 18 years who require additional support to access out of school clubs and holiday clubs. Our Out of school funding page includes criteria information and how a setting can apply.

What is a one page profile?

A one page profile is a snapshot of your child’s strengths and needs. It is really helpful for anyone working with your child and can include their favourite objects/activities/shows, what helps them when they are sad or cross, what they find tricky and strategies to help them learn best. Examples can be found on the Sheffkids website

What is DLA/DAF? Who can apply? Why do it?

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is monetary support you can apply for if your child needs more support at home in comparison to a child their age. Your child does not have to have a physical disability to receive DLA.

Disability Access Fund (DAF) is a lump sum provided to settings to support a child who receives Disability Living Allowance (DLA) access the setting and get the most out of their time there. The DAF money can be used to buy resources, activities, or staffing to make reasonable adjustments that maximise the potential of the child.

Take a look at our Bitesize videos:

Who can I talk to if I have concerns about how my child will be included in school in September?

If you would like to talk to someone about your child starting school and their inclusion, please contact either:

How can I support my child with their Speech and Language?

Leicestershire Speech and Language Team have a webpage you can visit for more information on supporting your child as well as resources and links to make a referral.

There is also a Speech and Language therapist on YouTube who has informative videos on how to help your child to develop their Speech, Language and Communication skills.

What is intensive interaction and joint attention?

Professionals involved with your child may talk about joint attention and intensive interaction. Joint attention is when you and your child are both giving attention to the same object/activity at the same time, for example, rolling a ball between you. See:

An example on Bryony Rust SALT attention and interaction videos (YouTube)

NHS Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Service's explanation of Intensive Interaction:

Intensive Interaction   Opens new window

How can I support my child with their behaviour?

Sometimes our children can present with behaviour we find challenging. While it is important to remember that all behaviour is communication, it can be difficult to know how to help them.

Find support for your child’s mental health and learning about sensory processing:

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust Children’s Community Occupational Therapy Service: Occupational Therapy sensory processing videos (YouTube).

CAP urgent mental health triage

If your child is at risk of exclusion from their childcare setting or school if 5 and under, we have a team of Inclusion Practitioners who can support the setting/school with Inclusion. They (the practitioners) can refer your child using our:

Early Years Inclusion Service Referral form

How can I access support for my own mental health?

Looking after your own mental health is necessary so that you are able to meet the needs of your child, you can’t fill from an empty cup! The weblinks below contain information on seeking support:

NHS talking therapies - Speak to your Public Health Nursing Team (Health Visitor), GP or self-refer.

Parent mental health support

Find a local NHS urgent mental health helpline in England.

My Black Dog - Free online mental health chat support (with volunteers who've been there) for people battling mental illness.

Navigate - The disability charity Scope's online emotional support service for parents of disabled children, around diagnosis.