Review Panels are usually made up of five members and there is no need for them to be politically balanced as they are informal bodies.
Review Panels are resource-intensive, so it is important that both the need for a review and the existing level of Scrutiny activity are looked at critically. The process for undertaking a review usually consists of the following, although this will largely depend on the topic and timescales:
- Planning the review and familiarisation with the topic
- Gathering evidence
- Deliberation and evaluation of options
- Formulate recommendations and agree final report
It is possible for reviews to be undertaken in a single day or other shortened time period, if this is considered to be appropriate to the topic of the review.
Recommendations, which may suggest a change in policy or service provision, are usually submitted to the relevant parent scrutiny committee prior to consideration by the Cabinet. The relevant parent scrutiny committee can, however, also refer the report to some other relevant body or partner or to a Lead Member or Officer as it considers appropriate, to ask them to consider and respond to the recommendations arising from the review.