‘Use your vote’ message as county council election nears

Countdown begins to county council elections

Graphic of a hand holding a ballot with the caption Use your vote, county council elections - Thursday 1 May

With just five weeks to go before Leicestershire County Council’s elections, people are being urged to make sure they use their vote.

More than 500,000 people are expected to be eligible to head to the polls on 1 May and will elect 55 councillors to represent them.

Once elected, county councillors will be involved in making decisions about how council services are delivered, as well as helping to shape the look of local councils for generations to come.

Residents who are not already registered to vote need to apply by midnight on Friday, 11 April on the Government's website.

 “From roads and transport, local health and social care to school places and waste disposal, the county council makes decisions on local services that affect everyone in Leicestershire.

“We all use or may need to use these services in the future – that’s why it’s so important to use your vote on the 1 May to elect your local representative.

“Please don’t assume you’re registered to vote. People miss out on the chance to vote by thinking they’re registered - we're urging people not to lose out by using their vote.”

The final list of nominated people standing in each division will be available from Friday 4 April.

Find out more about the elections by visiting the 2025 Elections section of the website.

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