Share your views on street lighting proposal

Chance to fill in questionnaire over next four weeks

A street lamp lit by LED

Cost and energy savings through dimming streetlights are outlined in a questionnaire which residents are being encouraged to complete.

The online survey went live this week as the council seeks views on its proposal to dim most streetlights in the county to levels of 30 percent from 8pm (down from 50%), depending on the location, and to understand where there should be exceptions to this approach.

The majority of residential street lights already dim to 30 per cent at 10pm which will help give residents an understanding of what this lower lighting level looks like. 

Making minimal changes to lighting levels during less-busy periods would mean a large reduction in carbon emissions as well as a big saving on council budgets - around £500,000 over the next four years.

I would encourage people to respond to the questionnaire. We're also going to work closely with the emergency services so that light levels also reflect the characteristics of a particular area.


The consultation will run until Thursday, 3rd August and can be found at and, for more information, email

A report detailing the feedback will be brought back later this year to the council's Cabinet.


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