'Quick click quiz' for would-be foster carers

Online quiz to check fostering eligibility

A woman playing outside with children

A short online quiz has been developed for anyone interested in becoming a foster carer. 
The questionnaire takes less than a minute to complete and lets people know if they meet the eligibility criteria to apply to care for a child in need. 
Leicestershire County Council created the ‘quick click quiz ‘as part of a myth-busting campaign about fostering. 

The quiz is very quick and easy to do and asks some very simple questions. 
“Sometimes people rule themselves out of becoming a foster carer. Examples may be because they think they need special qualifications or won’t be able to because they have a job. 
“First and foremost, foster carers need to be compassionate and patient, with a genuine desire to help children and young people in need. 
“We’d encourage anyone who has thought about fostering to give the quiz a go. You never know, you might be surprised!” 

To chat about your circumstances and how they may fit with fostering, you can call the fostering recruitment team on 0116 305 05 05 or email   

-           Foster Care Fortnight runs from May 15-28. A selection of videos about the different types of fostering that could be suitable for you and your family are available on the council’s fostering Facebook page 

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